(Thursday, November 16, 2006)

I know that most of the ex-unitenian survived with PTPTN money.

Not that I have anything to do with PTPTN, but I came across this when I was blog-hoppin just now. Most of the students interviewed are from the public uni. See....they are so rich.

One of them:

“But my parents give me RM1,000 a month for my daily expenses.”

What the fuck does he/she still need the PTPTN money for ah?? To langgan gigolo or ayam kah?? Honestly, I despise this kind of people. I look down on this kind of people. I have no respect for this kind of people.

Anyway, lucky me, because my loan was under YTN, free of interest, free of bunga, and I only have to pay back 20% of the borrowed money.....muahahhaha......

A friendly reminder: Guys, cepat-cepatlah pergi bayar hutang PTPTN tu, hutang money dibayar money lah, dude. If not, nanti PTPTN mau saman lah, mau sue lah....susah lah. Amalkan cara hidup yang sihat dengan bebaskan diri anda dari hutang ptptn. hehhehehehehhe....just joking lah.

Posted in Categories: , Posted by vantuz at 1:41 AM  


  1. Anonymous Says:

    u despite this kind of people?
    look down upon these kind of people..??
    no respect for this kind of people...??

    N y would u wanna do that for..??
    issit because of pure ignorance for u to say that...??
    afterall RM1000 a month ain't that much if u would do your maths correctly
    house rental and petrol itself will take up almost RM 450.
    another 550 for food which sums up to be a total of RM 17 which i honestly think it's reasonable.

    Just a though...

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